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Urgent help for Hurricanes

Eta entered Honduras from the south, as a tropical storm on Wednesday the 4th and left its northern border as a tropical depression a day later. The average rainfall was calculated between 400 to 600 l / m2, with specific areas that have exceeded 800 l / m2 in mountain areas.


Just 9 days later, on the 13th, a new hurricane, called Lota, entered the country, hitting the already battered territory with even more fury. The land could not absorb more water, and the floods soon arrived in the areas most affected by Eta.


Honduras added another danger to all the meteorological ones, its great orography, being the most mountainous country in the area. Rivers grew rapidly, causing large avenues, immediate floods and landslides.

At LUMA we are working with volunteers who are on the ground to get water, food, clothing and medicine to people who need it. At the moment we are attending the Nuevo San Juan neighborhood, which is located in one of the areas most affected by the hurricane. The images above show the disaster caused by the extreme weather.

Collaborate with your donation with the concept "Eta Emergency" in the account:


Caixa Popular

IBAN: ES50 3159 0077 0026 9496 0127



Or through Bizum with the code: 01319

Hurricane Eta in news



Diario El Salto

BBC Mundo

El Confidencial

More information on these hurricanes



We are a non-profit association, born from various volunteering journeys in Honduras. Our experience tells us that union adds up, will you LUMAdd?

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